Top 10 Personnages Puissants DBZ

TOP 10 Most Powerful Characters in Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z is the sequel to the first Dragon Ball series. It tells the story of Son Goku and his comrades, defending Earth against numerous enemy forces. This article brings together many powerful enemies threatening the security of Earth. Therefore, our heroes must also have the same strength and power.

As such, we found it interesting to see who the strongest warriors in the Dragon Ball Z saga are. Here is a ranking of the 10 most powerful characters in Dragon Ball Z ! 💪

Notes : This list only includes Dragon Ball Z characters; Therefore, we only consider characters from season 1 to season 9 of the anime TV series, and Dragon Ball Z films. This list also only includes individual characters, meaning that characters resulting from fusion as Gotenks, Gogeta, and Vegeto are excluded.


Super Boo is a dangerous form of Boo created by Evil Boo by eating Good Boo . This character is extremely powerful and has a strong character. This version of Boo gets angry quite easily and quickly. His rage is so strong that it is said that he would even tear through dimensional walls. 😈

On top of that, what makes Super Boo extremely dangerous is his ability to absorb other fighters. He was even able to absorb Gotenks (Gohan and Trunk's fusion form) , Piccolo, and Ultimate Gohan. Of course, Super Boo may not be a threat to Vegeta or Goku in Super Saiyan Blue . But at the time, Super Boo was a formidable being who could only be beaten by Vegeto , the fusion form of Goku and Vegeta.

DBZ Collector Figure - Majin Boo


Gohan is Goku's first son, he is said to be the one who can surpass his father. During the Perfect Cell saga, Gohan proved his potential by reaching Super Saiyan Level 2 . This is exceptional because at this point in the series, he is the first to have done it. During the Majin Buu Saga, Old Kai helped Gohan unlock his true potential. By releasing this power, Gohan can easily reach Super Saiyan Level 3.

Additionally, even though he did not achieve this transformation, he already had immense power with his Ultimate Gohan form. This superior power is so great that it could even threaten Super Boo - one of the most dangerous threats in Dragon Ball Z.


Kid buu

Kid Boo is the main antagonist of the Kid Boo saga, and probably also one of the most dangerous enemies that Goku and his comrades have had to face. Just as one might guess from his name, Kid Boo had an extremely childish character. He looks like a spoiled child, but the worst part was that he has no conscience or remorse. 😈

As a child, Kid Boo had a vocabulary limited to phrases like "Me Boo, kill yourself!". As childish as he may seem, it would be a great mistake to consider him a mere child. In truth, Kid Buu is the strongest, purest, and most sinister version of Buu. His insane character and psychopathic, ruthless thirst for destruction have made him one of the most dangerous enemies Goku has ever encountered.

Boo T-Shirts



It was originally a statue of a Demon God who purified the hearts of the inhabitants of the planet Konat. Hirudegarn was eventually corrupted by the mages of Kashvar and became a main antagonist in Dragon Ball Z Wrath of the Dragon . Hirudegarn is a fearsome monster whose only goal is to destroy everything in its path. To some extent, he is a true destroyer without feeling, conscience or remorse.

Hirudegarn is an extremely powerful colossus, who has changed shape several times. With his final transformation, he could easily beat Gotenks as Super Saiyan 2. When Gotenks Super Saiyan 3 unleashed his continuous dice missile on Hirudegarn, the colossus' assault was only delayed for a short time. In the end, it was necessary for the famous Goku Super Saiyan 3 to destroy Hirudegarn with his ultimate move: The Dragon Fist .

To find out more about these fierce characters, we wrote an article on the TOP 15 best Dragon Ball villains .



Janemba is the main antagonist of the film Dragon Ball Z Fusion Reborn . From the outside, Janemba looks like a fat yellow monster with weird holes on his shoulders and stomach. In truth, he is a true embodiment of evil, a sinister being who is so powerful that he can even outclass Goku and Vegeta's Super Saiyan 3 form.

In his initial form, he was easily taken down by the SSJ3 form. But the situation proved extremely difficult when he switched to his second form. In it, his body transformed into a humanoid with red skin and purple armor.

His power also increased dramatically, so much so that the Super Saiyan Level 3 cooperation of Goku and Vegeta was unable to beat him. Due to his enormous power, Goku and Vegeta had to merge into Gogeta in order to defeat him.


Golden Frieza

Frieza was first introduced in the Dragon Ball Z TV animated series as the main antagonist of the Frieza Saga. He was the conqueror of the worlds until his defeat against Goku, and later he was cut into pieces by Future Trunks. 🔪 However, in Dragon Ball Z Resurrection F , this fearsome character finally made his return as a more powerful and villainous enemy than before.

After his defeat by Future Trunks , Frieza was resurrected by the power of the Dragon Balls 🔮 thanks to the efforts of his lackeys. Knowing that his mortal enemy, Son Goku, has accomplished several feats and obtained even stronger power, he admitted that he would need a stronger power.

For the first time in his life, he committed to training with the hopes of being able to take down Goku. Finally, the time had come for Frieza to achieve even greater power with his ultimate transformation: Golden Frieza. This form could even rival Goku's Super Saiyan Blue.

At the end of Dragon Ball Z Resurrection of F , Frieza was finally defeated by Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta . This pushed Frieza to the point where he had no choice but to destroy the entire Earth. Without Whis' time warping power, Earth, along with Vegeta, could never have survived.

To find out more about this character, do not hesitate to consult the dedicated Golden Frieza page.



Vegeta was first introduced as the Prince of the Saiyan, an evil being wanting to dominate the Earth. He was extremely arrogant and proud of his strength, until Goku defeated him and Vegeta became Goku's rival. Vegeta constantly trained in an attempt to surpass Goku, he unlocked the Super Saiyan form and Super Saiyan 2. However, he was not able to obtain Super Saiyan level 3 while Goku had it.

That said, Vegeta was able to achieve Super Saiyan Blue and fought on par with the Golden Frieza seen previously. He even surpassed Golden Frieza, forcing the latter to have no choice but to destroy the entire Earth. Nonetheless, Vegeta was a powerful warrior alongside Goku, and thanks to Vegeta and Goku's fusion forms, they defeated many dangerous threats.

Our collection of Vegeta T-Shirts is ideal for fans of this character!


Son Goku

Goku is our main protagonist throughout the Dragon Ball Z series and is by far the strongest mortal hero in Dragon Ball Z (excluding fusion forms like Vegeto or Gogeta). He is probably the first living Saiyan to achieve multiple Super Saiyan levels, specifically Super Saiyan Blue in Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods .

Son Goku is the typical heroic figure who has no selfish desire for power, control, or money. His primary goal is to learn martial arts and ultimately defend Earth when the time comes.

He has fought with various powerful enemies throughout the series and has proven to be very resourceful. With his signature move "Kamehameha", the "Genkidama" and the double-edged technique "Kaioken", Goku can fight one-on-one with almost every character in Dragon Ball Z. Therefore, he arguably ranks third of this list.

Sneakers Goku SSJ Blue



Beerus is an Egyptian cat humanoid being who often wears clothing from that country. He may look small, but don't underestimate him based on his looks alone. He is in fact a God of Destruction of the Universe 7 , whose role is to destroy any planet that presents dangers for the balance of the Universe. 🌎

As the God of Destruction , Beerus possesses immense strength and power (as he can easily destroy a planet) and so far it seems that he can easily destroy every character in Dragon Ball Z except Whis, his trainer .

In the Dragon Ball Z Battle of Gods movie, Beerus woke up from his sleep and is looking for a new warrior who defeated Frieza. Eventually, Beerus found Goku and tested him in a fight. At the time, Goku tried to train with Beerus in Super Saiyan Level 3, but he still failed spectacularly.

Later, Goku achieved Super Saiyan God power and fought Beerus again. Although Goku was able to last longer in this fight, he still wasn't able to defeat the God of Destruction. Nevertheless, the latter felt satisfied with his battle against Goku and decided to spare Earth from destruction.



We don't know much about Whis' personal history other than that he is Beerus' martial arts mentor. The true extent of Whis' power has never been fully revealed, but from what we've seen so far, Whis is probably the strongest character in Dragon Ball Z. In Dragon Ball Z Battle of Gods , Beerus mentioned that Goku was only the second strongest fighter he had faced. Taking this into account, the strongest enemy Beerus has fought is undoubtedly Whis. 👊

Whis appears to possess extremely fast speed, and he even has the power to reverse time. For example in Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection of F , he brought Goku and his comrades back to 3 minutes before Frieza destroyed the Earth. Thanks to this, Goku was able to deliver a fatal Kamehameha to his enemy, which managed to prevent him from destroying the Earth.

In Dragon Ball Super , we haven't seen much of Whis' full power either, but one thing is for sure, Whis is among the strongest characters in Dragon Ball , even stronger than Lord Beerus. This ranking is coming to an end! Who are the strongest Dragon Ball Z characters in your opinion? Don't hesitate to share this with us in the comments or on our Instagram. See you soon for a new article!

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je suis d’accort avec Alphy mais pas tout à fait je n’ai que 11ans et je suis une fille mais je suis la plus grande Fan de Dragon ball pour l’ordre des guerriers je suis quasiment d’accort juste pour
1roi Zeno (zenzen)
2Le grand prêtre
3Les anges parmi (Vados et Whis)
4à mon avis ce n’est pas les dieux de la destruction mais les univers superieurs 1 parallèle à 12 et 5 parallèle à 8 j’ai eu cette théorie par la réplique de Whis qui dit que maitriser l’ultra instinct est difficile même pour un dieu donc sangoku a surpassé un dieu en maîtrisant l’ultra instinct et Toppo au pouvoir d’un dieu a perdu devant Vegeta donc Vegeta surpasse les dieux aussi puisque Jiren est plus fort que Toppo celui qui va vaincre Jiren sera classé cinquième , dommage que Vegeta n’a pas parvenu a le vaincre alors on peut dire que Sangoku surpasse Vegeta pour l’instant donc l’ordre qu’on doit mettre est :
1 Roi Zeno dieu des dieux
2 Grand prêtre et qui le père des anges
3 Les anges
4 Les univers 1 parallèle à 12 et 5 parallèle à 8
5 Sangoku
6 Vegeta
7 On peut parler des dieux de la destruction
Mais cet ordre n’est pas défini dans Dragon Ball super heroes Vegeta maitrise l’ultra instinct comme sangoku .

Lyna jeune saiyan

Effectivement, on ne prend en compte que les autres divinités.
1) Zeno (avec un pouvoir potentiellement infini).
2) Le Grand Maître, qui est le père de tous les Anges.
3) Les Anges en eux-même, il n’y a aucun moyen de voir l’étendu total de leur puissance, mais ils font vraiment partit des personnes les plus puissantes de tous les univers.
4) Pour la 4ème place ça peut sembler évident que ce soit les Dieux de la destruction mais j’aimerais en douter. Certe, Beerus n’a jamais été battu et il était loin d’user toute sa force mais faut-il rappeller que Vegeta a affronter Topo en tant que Dieu de la Destruction ? En plus d’être tous impressionné par la force de Goku Ultra Instinct et Jiren. Je garde la place aux Dieux de la Destruction, car logiquement, ils ont la capacité de détruire leur univers respectif s’ils usent de leur pleine puissance.
5) Ettttt…non toujours pas des perso Goku, Jiren, Freezer et Vegeta. J’aimerais qu’on parle de perso qu’on ne connais pas justement, car on a tendance à oublier que tous les univers n’ont pas participer, il manque l’univers 1, 12, 5 et 8. Qui ont été jugé comme ayant un niveau de vie supérieur aux autres univers. Et justement, il est dit que s’ils avaient participé, tous les autres univers auraient été suprimés.


Euh et broly jiren zeno buu (gohan ultime absorbé grend prete et aussi j’hésite si tu aurai du mettre C-13 (ultime) et tapion mais zeno est le plus puissant il peut détruire tout les univers beaucoup plus fort que whis il a 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 de force de combat regarde les video de whis et zeno power ect. .. bye l’ami!

Super dbz

Je suis pas d’accord avec vous à dire que kid boo est la version la plus forte! La plus forte c’est boo ultime


Par contre je suis pas d’accord avec toi de dire que kid boo est sa version la plus forte au contraire! La version la plus forte c’est Boo ultime «fusion avec gohan » a ton avis pourquoi végéta et Goku n’ont pas utilisé les potalas contre lui ? Car ce n’étais pas nécessaire vu sa puissance :) donc gohan ultime est plus fort que lui :)


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