démon piccolo

Démon Piccolo - Dragon Ball

Do you want to know more about Piccolo the King of Demons ? Don't move, you're in the right place!

In this guide we will study King Piccolo, the main and most powerful villain of Dragon Ball. He is the evil double of Kami, the guardian of the Earth.

King Piccolo is a Namekian who once plunged Earth into chaos by exterminating much of the population with his army of demons. After the Namekian was denied the position of guardian of Earth due to the evil within him, he then split into two entities: a pure one, Kami the Almighty and a demonic one, Piccolo the Demon King .

He is thus the main antagonist of the saga of King Piccolo of Dragon Ball. He would later be reincarnated to become the Piccolo we all know from Dragon Ball Z. ☝

In this guide you will discover:

  • A complete biography of the character
  • The detailed history of King Piccolo during the Dragon Ball saga
  • The Demon King's Attacks and Ability
  • Interesting anecdotes about the character
  • A look at Piccolo's children

Are you ready to start this guide? So let’s get started without wasting a second! ✅


demon piccolo attacks

During his very first appearance, King Piccolo is presented with an appearance very reminiscent of an extraterrestrial race. Very large in size, he has pointed ears, fangs and green skin like all Nameks. At this point, he has an almost identical appearance to that of the Almighty . One of the differences is the symbol located on the dress. They do indeed have a different kanji. With a height of more than two meters, he is the biggest villain in Dragon Ball Z if we do not count the films and other sagas. With the exception of Slugh , King Piccolo is the greatest of all the Nameks. Even his own reincarnation has a smaller size. The fact that he also narrowly surpasses the Almighty probably stems from his demonic origins. It is worth remembering that Nameks also have the ability to change size at any time, even if temporarily. 😮

At the very beginning of Dragon Ball in his first appearance, King Piccolo is very old and closely resembles the appearance of the Almighty of Earth. He wears a long black robe with his symbol inscribed in the middle as well as a large red cape . He also has brown colored shoes. Under his long robe, Piccolo is dressed in a purple and indigo martial arts uniform . Much later in the Frieza saga, we learn that King Piccolo's outfit was a classic garment worn by Namekian warriors but with added demonic symbols . The kanji written on his dress also represents a symbol opposite to that of the Almighty. ✨

King Piccolo's clothing appearance does not change after he makes his wish to Shenron , but his physical appearance transforms after regaining his youth. The wrinkles on his face disappear and his features are finer . The contours of his muscles are better defined and he now has piercing eyes.

demon piccolo dbz


The character, nature and personality of Demon King Piccolo are the exact opposites of those of his counterpart, the Almighty. The character is presented to us as someone evil, ruthless and above all thirsty for power. Sadistic and almost without compassion, he is ready to do anything to achieve his goal and he does not care how many victims he will have to achieve to achieve his goals. He is also endowed with a dubious and Machiavellian humor, particularly when he announces to the world that he will randomly destroy part of the planet each year in order to terrorize the population . 😱

Despite his strong greed and extreme thirst for power, he has little interest in ruling the world because his goal is to gradually destroy humanity . However, he encourages his subjects to commit as many crimes as possible in order to be rewarded. In addition to his evil side, King Piccolo is also very arrogant because he is convinced of being the most powerful in the entire universe. He is completely convinced that no one can match his power until being put in difficulty by Son Goku . 🤼‍♀️

Despite his absolute confidence in his abilities, he is extremely afraid of being trapped in the pressure cooker again . This is particularly why he will set the objective of killing all the great martial arts masters because only the latter know the technique allowing him to be locked away.

King Piccolo is proud of his origins and lineage. He is thus convinced that his sons are far superior to earthlings. As he and the Almighty do not know their Namekian origin, King Piccolo thus qualifies himself as a demon. It is good to note in passing that in certain video games including Budokai Tenkaichi 3 , the Demon Piccolo is perfectly aware of his true origin. 🤔

piccolo dbz tank top

Despite his many apparent flaws, King Piccolo is still one of the most intelligent villains in the Dragon Ball universe. He is capable of anticipating events and he learns a lesson from his past failures. This is especially the case when he destroys the sacred dragon just after obtaining eternal youth. This demonic action assures him that no one will be able to use the Dragon Balls in the future in an attempt to end his reign. 👑

Piccolo particularly remembers his defeat against Son Goku because he left one arm free . His reincarnation will remember these details and he will then decide to break his opponent's four limbs in order to wreak his vengeance.

Many villains in the series often make the mistake of leaving an opponent for dead following a devastating attack . Piccolo, however, checked Goku's pulse after killing him to make sure he was indeed dead. 💀

King Piccolo also puts his body's abilities to good use when he absorbs two Dragon Balls in order to spit them out later once the threats are eliminated. He also has a very strong manipulative side because he does not hesitate to use third party characters like the Pilaf gang and then get rid of them once he no longer has any use for them.

We can also see that King Piccolo knows how to show mercy because he repeatedly spares some of his adversaries. This is particularly the case when he decides to spare Master Mutaito 's students after killing the latter or when he leaves Yajirobé alive. 😅

King Piccolo is also the first villain to have the ability to sense the presence of his opponents by sensing the ki released. With the exception of Drum , we can also see that King Piccolo cares about the fate of his children and this affects him after they are killed by Son Goku.

king piccolo


Demon King Piccolo was born approximately 300 years before the start of the Dragon Ball saga. An unnamed Namek claimed the position of guardian of Earth but was denied the title because a part of him was evil. The motives and heart of the protector of the Earth must indeed be pure. After a long meditation, the Namekian manages to concentrate enough to eject the evil that lies dormant within him. This thus gives birth to two opposing entities, one good and the other evil. If one were to die, it would automatically lead to the death of the other. 💀

The evil entity is known as Demon Piccolo and the pure being is named Kami who will become the Almighty , the guardian of the Earth. Even if initially, the term Piccolo refers to the musical instrument of the same name, Mr. Popo teaches us in the series that the name translates to " different world " in Namekian language.

The Demon Piccolo subsequently created numerous children in order to terrorize the population and destroy the cities of the planet. The latter will end up dying at the hands of Master Mutaito 's students , which will force Piccolo to intervene. The Demon Piccolo manages to defeat Mutaito and leaves him for dead after knocking him out. The martial arts master then receives treatment from his two best students, Master Roshi (Great Turtle) and Master Shen . 🐢

Demon Piccolo Dragon Ball

Embarrassed at having lost the fight in front of his disciples, Master Mutaito fled once he recovered. Master Roshi after this event, still fully trusts his mentor but for his part, Master Shen loses hope and leaves the region. 😯

Meanwhile, the Demon Piccolo continues his carnage by destroying cities one after another while killing as many humans as possible.

A few years later, when the majority of the planet has been exterminated , the three masters decide to ally themselves again in order to face the demonic threat. They end up finding Piccolo in the ruins of a ravaged city. Master Mutaito uses the Mafuba suicidal technique and manages to lock the Demon Piccolo in an electric rice pressure cooker. Evil is now imprisoned but this led to the death of the martial arts master who sacrificed himself . 👊

In order to be sure to get rid of Piccolo, Master Roshi then throws the pressure cooker into the depths of the water.

Over time, life returned to normal, cities were rebuilt, and the population eventually repopulated. Over the years, humanity has also forgotten the existence of the Demon Piccolo with the exception of Master Roshi, Master Shen and obviously the Almighty. ✨

Many years later, people like Yajirobé and Tenshinhan heard of this story but dismissed it as a legend and a myth .

king piccolo vs goku


A few centuries later, the Demon Piccolo is finally freed by Emperor Pilaf who managed to recover the pressure cooker from the depths of Lake Isuri . The Demon immediately takes charge and forces Pilaf and his gang to work for him. Afraid of being locked in the pressure cooker again, he plans to eliminate all the martial arts masters on the planet who might know the mafuba technique. Pilaf's mission is to locate the targets and Piccolo takes the opportunity to spit out two eggs, giving birth to his first children, Tambourine and Piano . Their mission is to help Emperor Pilaf in his quest. 🤔

Tambourine demonstrates formidable efficiency by very quickly killing Krillin , one of Awesome Turtle's students.

Shortly after, he also managed to put Son Goku out of harm's way after detonating his Supersonic Cloud and giving him a beating. The young Saiyan is left for dead by the son of the demon who continues his mission.

At the same time, aboard Pilaf's airship, King Piccolo spits out another egg and gives birth to Cymbal , his third son to whom he entrusts the task of gathering the Dragon Balls. Piccolo seeks to summon Shenron in order to obtain eternal youth and rule the world. However, some time later, King Piccolo senses that his son has been killed and he asks Tambourine to track down Cymbal's killer. 🔪

Piccolo shorts

Thanks to the use of Pilaf's Dragon Radar, Tambourine manages to reach his brother's last known position and then locates Yajirobé and Goku .

In order to avenge Krillin, Son Goku explodes with rage, fights Tambourine and manages to kill him. Demon King Piccolo, unable to bear losing another child, decides to personally take care of the culprit. Once there and despite his very advanced age, Piccolo managed to easily defeat Goku. However, he recognized the exceptional and unusual strength of his opponent. 💪

At the end of the fight, King Piccolo checks Goku's pulse and finds that he is indeed dead. The Makosen technique he had used against him actually stopped Goku's heart momentarily. Piccolo then seizes the Saiyan's Dragon Ball and continues his mission, leaving his young opponent for dead. Yajirobé, who previously killed Cymbal and who hid during the confrontation with Piccolo, takes the opportunity to save Goku .


A few hours later, Awesome Turtle uses the remaining Dragon Balls as bait in an attempt to lure Piccolo into challenging him. At the start of the confrontation, he takes out the electric pressure cooker and decides to use the Mafuba technique to imprison him forever. The technique works very well but Tortue Géniale narrowly misses the container at the last moment. This failure drained all of his energy and he died instantly, swearing that the demon's plans would never come true.

Once recovered from his emotions, Piccolo is able to summon the sacred dragon, having all the crystal balls in his possession. Chaozu desperately tries to prevent the action but is instantly killed by a Makosen thrown by Piccolo. The Demon King then completes his wish and obtains eternal youth from Shenron. At the peak of his form, his power was greatly multiplied. Piccolo now no longer needs Pilaf and decides to throw him and his gang from the airship. 😂

Having no longer any opponent to stand in his way, Piccolo decides to continue his plan and decides to rule the world. He prefers this option rather than destroying humanity in one fell swoop like he did the first time.

piccolo power

The Demon Piccolo arrives at King Furry 's palace and massacres the royal guards one after the other. The monarch refuses to give up his throne, which pushes Piccolo to destroy half of the city in order to exert pressure. Furry reluctantly accepts and abdicates to hand over power to the demon after a speech to the people.

To inaugurate his reign of terror on the world, King Piccolo decides to release all the criminals from prison and push the inhabitants to commit crimes. He then chooses to destroy the world gradually by destroying a part of the planet each year.

King Piccolo is organizing a sort of lottery to find out which region of the world he is going to destroy. The number 29 is drawn which corresponds to West City, the town where Bulma lives. 🏨

Tenshinhan then arrives at the royal palace to challenge the demon in an attempt to save humanity. Piccolo and Piano, who were preparing to leave, are forced to delay their trip to West City. The Demon King, not wanting to get his hands dirty, then spits out another egg to give birth to Drum , another son.

The fight begins but Tenshinhan is completely dominated by Drum. Tenshinhan fails to land a single blow and is quickly incapacitated by Piccolo's son. Drum is ordered to finish off the earthling but Goku intervenes, stronger than ever. The young Saiyan instantly kills Drum with a powerful kick to the face. 🦶

Piccolo and Drum

Son Goku and King Piccolo then face each other for the second time in a row. The young Saiyan has greatly gained in power thanks to Ultra Divine Water and manages to block his opponent's attacks and more or less dominate him. Goku delivers a powerful punch to Piccolo who crashes to the ground, killing Piano on the spot that was in the path. 👎

The fight resumes and King Piccolo begins to gain the advantage when he manages to injure Son Goku's knee with his eye lasers . The demon then follows up with an attack that causes Goku to lose his magic staff and send a powerful explosive wave at him. The Saiyan survives another devastating attack, which impresses Piccolo and forces him to use a rather deceitful method. He grabs Tenshinhan 's head and uses him as a human shield, threatening to crush his skull if Goku makes the slightest move. 💀

king piccolo ten shin han

Despite the hostage's pleas, Goku resigns himself to doing what King Piccolo wants (he learns at the same time that the Dragon Shenron has been destroyed and that the crystal balls have been destroyed).

With a powerful blast, King Piccolo throws stones at the Saiyan which breaks his left arm and his last leg. Completely satisfied, the Namek releases Tenshinhan to the ground and prepares to finish off Son Goku.

The helpless Saiyan realizes that he still has one good arm left and decides to do a Kamehameha with his right hand to project himself into the air in order to attack his opponent located at a height. Despite a parrying movement from the Namek, Son Goku throws a powerful punch to Piccolo's chest and crosses him right through. Aware that he will die in the coming seconds and shocked at having lost, King Piccolo decides to spit out one last egg so that his legacy continues. The demon dies and is then reincarnated into its own offspring, which also allows the Almighty to remain alive. 🥚

Three years later, Piccolo Jr has reached adulthood and will challenge Son Goku to a championship in order to take his revenge. This ends the Dragon Ball saga and this is when Dragon Ball Z begins.

Demon Piccolo Dead


When the character is introduced, we learn that aside from the Almighty and Mr. Popo, Piccolo is probably the most powerful being on Earth. Even at a fairly old age, he was able to easily defeat Goku as a child and even took a Kamehameha without the slightest scratch. Awesome Turtle even recognized that with Tenshinhan and Chaozu combined, they would be no match for the demon Piccolo. The latter also demonstrated his power by killing Chaozu with a single ki attack. 🤣

After gaining eternal youth, Piccolo's power has greatly multiplied and he calls himself invincible and immortal. He makes a formidable demonstration of his power by being able to kill the dragon Shenron in a single blow and his ability to destroy an entire city without the slightest effort. He is also capable of wiping out an entire section of the planet in the blink of an eye.

King Piccolo's power, however, is exceeded by that of Goku after drinking the ultra divine water at Karine Tower . Much later, his power is entirely surpassed by Goku and his own reincarnation. During the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament, Piccolo realizes that he cannot kill the Almighty without automatically causing his own death. 🤔

According to many reports, King Piccolo's power after obtaining eternal youth is between 260 and 500 units .

King Piccolo Power



He is Piccolo's first son with Tambourine. It is very small and has a pterodactyl head . He wears a brown dress, shoes of the same color and a purple cape. He also wears a medallion around his neck adorned with a red jewel . Piano is very loyal to his father and the latter has complete confidence in him. He never doubted Piccolo's abilities and he is convinced that he will make short work of Son Goku, despite the fact that Pilaf and his gang had doubts about the outcome of the fight. 😎

Despite the fact that Piano is not a fighter unlike his father or his brothers, the information collected tells us that he still has 180 units of power.

Piano acts as an advisor to its creator and performs management, communication and organizational tasks. He is very intelligent and his calm and manipulative side is highly appreciated by the Demon King . 👍

It is notably he who manipulates the tape in Pilaf to obtain a radar in order to detect the crystal balls and it is he who will eject them out of the ship later using a trapdoor. Piano witnesses his father's rejuvenation and his coronation as King of the World. He died shortly after that of his brother Drum, when he was caught in the clash between Goku and Piccolo and was crushed by the weight of his father.

piano dbz


He is one of the first sons of Demon Piccolo and is an important secondary antagonist in the King Piccolo saga of Dragon Ball. Very large in size compared to his brother Piano , he has scaly green skin and a pair of wings on his back that allow him to move at high speed . Of all Piccolo's sons, he is undoubtedly the one who most resembles him facially. The features of the Namek people are strongly marked and they have a lizard crest on their forehead. Tambourine has a strong muscular build and wears black pants and blue combat boots. He is a cruel, powerful and evil being and his father has complete confidence in his abilities. 😈

The mission given to him by Piccolo is to eliminate all martial arts masters and specialists. He refers to a list of fighters registered in previous championships in order to track them down. He thus has a role of hitman very similar to that of Tao Pai Pai although the assassination methods of the two characters are very different.

During his mission, he will notably temporarily get rid of Son Goku and assassinate Krillin in order to obtain the famous list of fighters. He then effectively continues his mission by eliminating numerous martial arts specialists starting with Nam . It is particularly interesting that all the targets tracked by Tambourines are all known to readers of the Dragon Ball manga . This allows us to revisit secondary antagonists who all participated in previous martial arts championships. 🤜

dbz tambourine

Tambourine's number of victims is not precisely known but he killed at least six fighters. He has formidable power and he would surely have completed his mission if his father had not called him back along the way. Cymbal was killed by Yajirobé and Piccolo orders Tambourine to cancel his mission to avenge his brother . 👍

The young demon quickly manages to locate Cymbal's last known position and once again finds himself facing Son Goku as well as Yajirobé. The Saiyan has recovered well since the last confrontation and he is confident of winning the fight during this new confrontation.

Tambourine is effectively dominated by his opponent who dodges all his attacks. Son Goku decides to put an end to the confrontation and uses the famous Kamehameha technique to pulverize Tambourine who is disintegrated by the attack.

Piccolo figure


Cymbal is the third son of King Piccolo and is also the tallest. It resembles a giant pterosaur and has scaly green skin. Cymbal has large wings on the back which are useful in its movements despite its weight. He is Piccolo's second fighter since his brother Piano does not participate in the fights. He was spawned with the goal of reuniting the Dragon Balls while his brother Tambourine is busy eliminating martial arts masters. Of all the characters in the series, he is one of the characters with the shortest lifespan because he died the day he was born. We can also add that he died at the hands of Yajirobé who is the latter's only victim. 💀

Each egg that Piccolo produces reduces his life expectancy, which worries Piano when Cymbal is born.

Cymbal during his mission, locates a Dragon Ball protected by Son Goku and Yajirobé. Despite his potential, he is relatively slow and is ultimately cut in two by Yajirobé's sword. Cymbal then ends up becoming the Earthling's meal.

Cymbal dbz


He is the fourth and last son of King Piccolo. It is also the most powerful of them because it was generated after Piccolo regained his youth and thus increased his power tenfold. It is thus very superior to Tambourine and Cymbal. Quite large in size, it is very corpulent and has green skin with numerous scales. He has a crest on his forehead and his ears are pointed just like those of the Nameks. He has exactly the same clothing style as his brother Tambourine except that his pants are purple. However, we can see that it does not have wings on its back. 🐊

Drum's power allows him to defeat Tenshinhan very quickly with much ease. When Goku intervenes, Piccolo is unaware of the power boost that the Saiyan received with the Ultra Divine Water and he is convinced that his son will win the confrontation. It is almost certain that without this intervention, Drum would have ended Tenshinhan's life by crushing his heart.

Son Goku gets rid of Drum in a single powerful blow, the attack of which will cause the demon to lose an eye. It is at this moment that we can see the color of the blood emanating from the wound is purple, a particularity of the Namekian people. 🌏

It is interesting to note that in the anime version, Tenshinhan still manages to land a few hits with Drum before being defeated by the latter.

drum dbz


Vital Link : Because of the bond between them, the lives and destinies of King Piccolo and the Almighty are linked. If one dies, the other automatically perishes whether the death is natural or not. However, one cannot kill the other and vice versa. This detail allows King Piccolo to sow terror in the world without the Almighty being able to intervene. Interestingly, once defeated by Goku, Piccolo saved the Almighty by creating a duplicate of himself and thus transferring the life link. However, this is fortunate because the Almighty was the only person who could reconstitute and resurrect Shenron. The Vital Link can also be severed if Piccolo and the Almighty perform a Namek fusion.

Eternal youth : following a wish made to Shenron, King Piccolo regained his youthful appearance. His physical potential is thus at its maximum and he is then at the peak of his power. Piccolo is completely immune to old age, allowing him to be at his best forever. However, it is good to note that the Almighty always ages on his side and can thus lead to the death of King Piccolo. The ability of eternal youth was also passed down to Piccolo Jr.

Explosive Demon Wave: King Piccolo extends his right hand forward, palm wide open, and unleashes a powerful explosive shot towards his opponent. During this attack, he used his left hand to support his right arm. Thanks to this terrible attack, King Piccolo is able to reduce an entire city to dust in the blink of an eye. He also claims that he is capable of destroying 1/43 of the planet's surface with this technique.

demon piccolo dbz

Don't Get Cocky Kid : A ki attack where the user performs a wind attack by sweeping the air with their arm.

Explosive Wave : King Piccolo makes a powerful explosion with a swing of his arm. He notably used this technique at the Royal Castle by instantly destroying a city in order to demonstrate his power. It involves waving your arm and causing the earth to explode in its wake.

Soumasen : laser beams fired from the eyes. This eye attack is notably used against Goku in order to immobilize the latter's legs.

Mouth Energy Wave : A powerful blast of energy from the mouth. This terrible attack was used by King Piccolo to kill the dragon Shenron just after making his wish for eternal youth.

Makosen : King Piccolo fires two powerful energy beams one after the other. The first serves to distract the opponent who will generally dodge the attack. The second ray then hits the target head-on.

Birth of an Egg : Like all Nameks, King Piccolo has the ability to spit out an egg in order to create his offspring. During the operation, he can transmit several or all of his powers as well as certain memories.

king piccolo dragon ball

Reincarnation : Thanks to the previous technique, King Piccolo has the possibility of reincarnating. Although Piccolo Jr has inherited the majority of his father's powers, he won't be as bad as him. This means that not all of King Piccolo's essence is transmitted in its entirety during the reincarnation technique.

Telekinesis : This power consists of manipulating objects or people with the mind in order to levitate them. King Piccolo used this technique to lift the five Dragon Balls that had been buried by Awesome Turtle.

Telepathy : This ability allows him to channel his thoughts towards another being in order to communicate through the mind. He uses this power in particular to communicate with his sons at a distance, particularly when he calls Tambourine back to him to entrust him with a mission.

Regeneration : like all Nameks, King Piccolo has the ability to regenerate his cells in order to reconstitute his injured body. For example, he can regrow an entire arm that has been severed.

demon king piccolo


- Piccolo's name comes from the musical instrument of the same name. 🎺

- In Namekian language, the name Piccolo means " another world ".

- In the manga and anime, Piccolo is the first and only villain to have his wish granted by Shenron. He is also the first to slay the Sacred Dragon .

- At the very beginning of the anime, King Piccolo's blood is represented in red. Much later, we can see that the blood of the Nameks is purple in color .

- In the video game Budokai Tenkaichi 3, King Piccolo is fully aware of his Namek origin and he confirms this origin when he is opposed to Nail or Slugh . 🌏

- Although the series teaches us that the Namekian people only need to consume water to survive without being forced to eat food, King Piccolo is shown in a credits of the anime eating during 'a feast prepared for him. Although he could do without it, the ability to consume solid food was passed down to Piccolo Jr. We can see the latter eating a fish cooked in the desert during a scene in the anime.

- King Piccolo is the first villain to be able to take revenge on Goku when his reincarnation manages to eliminate him during the Saiyan saga.

- In Dragon Ball Super, Vados and Champa question Piccolo's status as a true Namek. The latter then declares to be the reincarnation of the Demon King Piccolo. 🤔

- King Piccolo can be played in the video game Budokai Tenkaichi 3 for the first time. His son Tambourine is also available and Drum also makes an appearance when summoned during an attack by his father.

Goku vs Demon Piccolo


There you go , you now know everything you need to know about King Piccolo, the biggest villain in the Dragon Ball saga . 😀

We hope you enjoyed reading this guide as much as we enjoyed writing it. It must be remembered that this demonic character was Son Goku's greatest and most dangerous opponent. He is also responsible for the deaths of many characters in the series including Krillin, Chaozu, Awesome Turtle and even the dragon Shenron ! 🐉

His own reincarnation will also be one of the most famous and important secondary characters in the entire Dragon Ball Z Universe!

If you collect figurines from this universe, we invite you to discover this best-seller: the figurine of the famous dragon Shenron!

shenron figurine

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