Baby Dragon Ball GT

Baby - Dragon Ball GT

Are you a fan of Dragon Ball and especially Dragon Ball GT? Do you want to know more about the character Baby, well known in his form as Baby Vegeta? So you are at the good place ! Our Ultimate Guide to the secondary character Baby is here to teach you everything you need to know about him. 🤩

In the Dragon Ball saga, Baby (ベビーBebī) is the last survivor of the Tsuful race. He will be rebuilt by his creation, Dr. Myuu as a mutant machine with the simple aim of exterminating the Saiyans and being able to restore the image of his species while becoming the king of the entire world. He is also known for being the main villain of the Saga of the same name, the Baby Saga, in Dragon Ball GT.

In this new Ultimate Guide, we will teach you:

  • Where does Baby's atypical appearance come from?
  • What are his appearances in the different Dragon Ball sagas
  • His unique skills
  • Secret anecdotes about the character

Let's not wait any longer to get to the origins of this original and unique character, straight out of Akira Toriyama's imagination ! 🌟



Composed of both organic and mechanical matter, Baby begins as a small being with a gray outer layer and large red eyes, with a long, wide antenna that tilts to the side. This cybernetic parasite will undergo radical changes over time as it evolves into its larval state . As a teenager, he forms a sort of shell, with a greenish and blue tint that will be most of his body and arms, and now wears red and yellow shoulder pads and bracelets. His eyes also change color, going from red to blue. 👀

After taking possession of Vegeta , one of his most well-known and stylized possessions, he shares the physical traits of Prince Saiyan although as he evolves, other physical traits of Baby will be felt, like his eyes, as well as his shoulder pads. The fusion of the two also causes Baby Vegeta to have white hair, instead of the usual black or golden hair. 🤩

Dragon Ball GT Card - Baby Vegeta


Baby Dragon Ball

Initially, Baby is determined to revive the Tsuful race and exterminate the Saiyans. Over time, it turns out that he will prove cunning enough to dominate the Dragon Team, aka Z-fighters , possess Vegeta, and successfully restore the Tsufuls ' home planet. However, as his name suggests, Baby is also incredibly childish and immature; he is very prone to teasing and loses his temper if teased enough. Ironically, although he views Saiyans as a barbaric race , he also shows combat enjoyment in facing them. 👊🏻

When he becomes a great golden ape (Oozaru) , Baby pretends that he is going on a mindless rampage (common among great apes and golden apes) and slaughters countless followers to test his abilities. This secondary character is very intelligent and has an extremely selfish and lonely personality.

Baby Dragon Ball Oozaru

Baby cares little, if at all, for the lives of others, as he is seen killing his own followers who worshiped him like a king. But he is still shown to care about other things, as he credits giving energy to Bulma , who was probably promoted to queen, most likely due to the Vegeta's affection for her, with the Blitz Wave Generator, and he won't want the battle to destroy his own planet.

He is determined to establish himself as the most powerful being in the Universe (like many villains in the saga!) by not letting any being exceed his power, as he has openly expressed his desire to Shenron himself to even surpass one day the power of the legendary dragon. 🐲

Baby in DBZ

After receiving his disciples' energy, becoming Super Baby Vegeta , his cruelty will become more pronounced, and he states that every living being must be considered his slave. Due to Baby's King Tsuful DNA , he is also extremely proud, and prefers to fight face to face. He is one of two survivors of the Tsuful race (the other being Dr. Lychee), who were virtually exterminated by the Saiyans, and he feels a deep hatred towards them. Unlike other villains in the series (with the exception of Zamasu), Baby does not act instinctively based solely on evil intent. 🦹‍♂️

Coming back to the plot of Dragon Ball and his place in the Japanese animated series, Baby is the antagonist of the protagonists of the story, but he seeks revenge for all the misfortunes that have been brought to him. and to his own race, by the Saiyans . However, much like Zamasu & Goku Black , Baby will eventually become what he despises to gain the power of the Saiyans, bringing misery by infecting most of the surviving Earthlings and Saiyan hybrids in order to establish a new Tsuful Empire with which he has planned to conquer the universe, which he feels has every right to rule. 👑



Tsufuls Dragon Ball

Baby comes from a galaxy far away. He was born in the year 730 and died around the year 790. During the Saiyan vs Tsuful war, the last beings of the race created genetically superior life forms, parasitic organisms, which they infused with the DNA of the king of the Tsufuls. These organisms spread throughout the universe around the year 730, with the ultimate goal of destroying the Saiyans in revenge for the destruction of the race by King Vegeta and his Saiyan forces. Baby was the first parasite of the Tsufuls to return and attempt to gain revenge against the Saiyan race . During his drift in space, in the year 735, Baby swears revenge on the Saiyans for having annihilated the Tsufuls and also designs the "Universal Plan" of the race, in order to revive his colleagues. 🧬

In the year 740, Baby made Dr. Myuu in order to gather the resurrection energy he needed to obtain a powerful body. Baby programs Myuu with the mutant machine development method, and production begins on Luud, M-2, and the others. Apparently created as a "last resort", Baby is a parasite whose sole purpose is to see through the annihilation of the Saiyan race and domination of the universe in the name of the Tsufuls.

Vegeta and Baby

However, as his name suggests, Baby is very immature and is prone to many outbursts of rage and panic, as well as not taking his fights seriously. It is also implied that "Baby" was not its original name, or at least that is not what it was supposed to be dubbed for, as Baby does not initially recognize the title and begins to don't like it. During the battle between Gohan and Goten , possessed by Baby, and Vegeta, Baby reveals to Vegeta his true past as Tsuful and how he was created. 💬

Dragon Ball GT Wallet



Baby Vegeta Dragon Ball GT

In the saga bearing his name in DBGT , The humanoid is first confronted by Goku, Pan and Trunks while on the planet M-2, where Dr. Myuu resides. During the encounter, Baby is still confined in a liquid-filled tank, where he completes his regeneration . Although Trunks appears to stop the process and condemn the parasite to certain death, Baby 's inner rage ends when the mention of "Saiyan" wakes him up forcefully. However, at the moment, Baby is no match for the three Saiyans, and he escapes by taking refuge in the body of Dr. Myuu. 💨

After Dr. Myuu narrowly escapes, Baby fights his way out of the doctor's body and scolds Myuu for forgetting who the "real master" was, revealing at that moment that it was actually him who created Dr. Myuu to revive him and give him the ability to create the other mutant machines. Baby then finds a Dark Star Crystal Ball in Dr. Myuu's mechanical head and prepares a trap for Goku, Trunks and Pan after failing to stop them from leaving Planet M-2 in General Rilldo's body.

Baby in DBGT

Baby then massacres an entire crew of spaceships and takes the body of a young alien boy where he will hide the Dragon Ball in order to trap the Saiyans . The plan works and Baby, as a child, is taken by the trio to a hospital on the planet Pital, where he escapes the boy's body and enters the body of a doctor. Seeing his chance pass, Baby grabs the trunk alone and enters his body through a cut in the shoulder. Unfortunately for Baby , Trunks will prove he has enough willpower to resist the parasite, and Baby will then be forced out of his body. No match for the power of the 3 Z-Warriors present, Baby flees the planet using an eye flash and heads to Earth, searching for the remaining Saiyans here. 🌍

Upon arriving on Earth, Baby begins his rampage by taking over the bodies of several Earthlings before taking over Son Goten 's body after confronting Baby's rampaging human hosts. Baby Goten challenges Gohan to a battle in which he trades possession of the bodies in favor of Gohan's, but not before leaving an implanted egg inside Goten, thus putting him under Baby's control. Baby Gohan will then locate Vegeta and reveal Baby's origins to Vegeta, which causes a battle between them. 💥

Baby Vegeta Fanart

This is how, with the help of an ambush from Baby Goten, one of Baby Gohan's attacks pierces Vegeta's skin and allows Baby to commandeer Vegeta's body this time, gaining control of a superior host while becoming what he despised deep down because Vegeta, unlike his previous hosts, is a pure Saiyan.

Baby will even begin to emulate the Saiyans by seeking to found a new Tsuful Empire by infecting most Earthlings and Saiyan hybrids on Earth with Tsuful parasites, turning them into his slaves who worship him. Then, recognizing the genius of the infected Bulma, who resembles a Tsuful , and the fact that she is also Vegeta's wife, Baby will take her as his wife and subordinate leader to help him manage his new empire. Chi-Chi and Videl are also infected, which will turn them against Goku and Pan. 🔪

Having brought Earth's population under his control, Baby Vegeta is stunned by an encounter with Son Goku, who has recently returned to Earth. Baby Vegeta then reveals to Goku that he has placed Earth under his control, unaware that Pan, Boo, and Mr. Satan are also free from his possession. Trunks, who seemed to have suffered no repercussions from Baby's attempt at control, was eventually captured, as Baby implanted his seed into Trunks in an attempt to overtake him later, as he did with Goten. 💉

Baby Vegeta DBZ & DBGT

Goku then challenges Baby Vegeta to an evenly matched fight. However, Baby Vegeta will quickly gain the upper hand when Goku returns to normal, but Goku then discovers Baby 's greatest weakness: his temper . Although he is clearly losing, Goku provokes him again and again, and Baby gets carried away with each provocation, unable to ignore Goku's remarks. The controlled Saiyans then lend Baby enough energy for him to transform into Super Baby Vegeta. ✨

Soon after, he will gather even more energy, this time from everyone on Earth under his control, and transform into an even more powerful form: Baby Vegeta SSJ2 . With his new power, Baby Vegeta easily overpowers Goku and unleashes a deadly Vengeance Ball on Goku, which is no longer visible after the ensuing explosion. Baby decides to carry out the last phase of his plan: use the Black Star Crystal Balls to wish for the return of his Planet, which Baby renames "Planet Tsuful", and relocate the Earthlings to the planet via spaceships. When his progress is interrupted by Pan, Majin Boo and Mr. Satan, Baby Vegeta orders Gohan and Videl to execute Pan. Fortunately, the young Saiyan is saved at the last minute by Uub, Goku's student who was not infected. 🦠

Baby, Goku and Vegeta SSJ4

Afterwards, Uub and Baby Vegeta then engage in combat and appear to be evenly matched. Gohan, Goten and Trunks then come to help Baby Vegeta, but their help proves useless, as Baby Vegeta claims to have only been playing with Uub, before dismissing them for lack of trust. Baby Vegeta then fights Uub with all his power and prepares to kill him firing his famous deadly revenge ball on the young warrior. However, Baby Vegeta will then receive a report from Bulma and immediately leave for the planet Tsuful, Uub will then survive the attack thanks to the timely intervention of Majin Boo. 🤲🏻

To his great astonishment, Baby Vegeta is once again confronted by Uub, the latter having merged with Majin Buu since their last meeting and was at the same time renamed Majuub . The conflict between Baby and Majuub is then balanced again, until Majuub demonstrates one of his fusion-inherited abilities, the Transfiguration Ray, accidentally against a number of hypnotized spectators, turning them into chocolate. Baby Vegeta is then at this precise moment on the verge of defeat when Majuub throws a chocolate Kamehameha at him. Baby Vegeta, however, declared that he had "played enough" and practiced again, deflecting the energy wave towards Majuub, which reduced the fighter to a harmless piece of chocolate that Baby Vegeta began to eat. 🍫

Majuub's defeat then marks the return of Goku, who was previously believed to have been eliminated by the death ball of the villain's vengeance. Having regrown his tail in his absence, Goku engages in combat against Baby Vegeta but is still overpowered by the possessed Saiyan. Baby Vegeta steps forward to deliver a final blow when Goku undergoes a mysterious transformation while staring at Earth. Baby V. then witnesses Goku transform into Oozaru. Without reservation, Goku begins to devastate the surface of the planet, and Baby Vegeta can barely dodge Goku's punches. However, Goku begins to lash out indiscriminately, as he was never able to control his Great Ape form, which is also the case with the Golden Oozaru. 🙈

Baby Vegeta vs Goku SSJ4

Finally, the enraged Goku is confronted by Pan, who will calm his senses and this will aim to trigger his ultimate transformation: the Super Saiyan 4 form . Baby Vegeta and Goku resume their fight. When Baby Vegeta realizes that he cannot defeat Goku at his current power level, he appeals to Bulma to give him more power; the result will result in a Blitz wave generator created by Bulma . In a desperate move, she targets Baby Vegeta with the Blitz Wave Generator, transforming him into the Golden Great Ape as he had previously observed with Goku. Although Baby 's power Vegeta increases considerably thanks to this new form, beyond that of his opponent, he will go into a state of crazy rage, and he will even destroy a good part of his own city. Goku tries to lure the uncontrollable monster into an empty area, until Baby Vegeta curiously blinds him with a Ki Blast, something he would be unable to do tactically if he were out of control of his own body, due to his rage. 🌠

Baby will then confess that he has full control of his senses thanks to Vegeta's ability to maintain conscious control over form, and explains that the destruction he caused previously was again an act of "play". After once again pushing Goku away, Baby decides to further demonstrate his superior power by blasting the Saiyan with a series of devastating energy waves. As Goku manages to avoid them, Baby changes tactics and targets Goku's family.

Goku SSJ4 T-Shirt

Eventually, Baby Vegeta and Goku come to blows, causing the parasite to further antagonize Goku by blasting Earth with an uncharged Super Garrick Cannon , which destroys much of Satan City in an explosion visible from the planet Tsuful. In retaliation, Goku blasts Baby Vegeta with a 10x Kamehameha, which unfortunately seems to have no effect. 💥

Although the force does not affect Baby Vegeta, its power is enough to paralyze the Golden Great Ape for a few moments. Eventually, Baby and Goku knock each other out and collapse from exhaustion. This prompts Bulma, still possessed by Baby , to use the Blitz Wave Generator to replenish Baby Vegeta's energy. However, these waves also reach Goku and are enough to revitalize him. Once fully refreshed, Baby Vegeta's power is far beyond Goku's reach. To make matters worse, he turns to Goku's friends and family , who have joined the battle since he was freed from Baby 's control. Because Baby is aware of the power Goku has lost during the fight, Goku's taunts and psychological tactics prove powerless, and Baby will ignore them when he attacks others. 👊🏻

Baby Oozaru

Deciding to end the fight with the attack of the heavily charged Garrick Cannon, Baby prepares to wipe out everyone when suddenly Majuub, whose Vegeta body was revealed to still be active, activates inside and attacks his insides, causing him great pain and then completely stopping his deadly explosion. Baby Vegeta will then be frustrated at being relatively helpless against an attacker inside him, causing him to regurgitate Majuub.

Baby V. notices that during this commotion, Trunks, Goten, Gohan, and Pan had taken the opportunity to lend their energy to Son Goku, which made Baby even more angry. To stop them, Baby Vegeta will launch yet another Garrick Cannon at the five Saiyans. Although the members of this Z-Team end up stunned, Goku will emerge from the explosion unscathed, renewed and ready to resume the battle against the parasite Tsuful. 💣

Due to his complete lack of concentration and growing rage, Baby Vegeta is unable to get the upper hand on Goku's Super Saiyan 4 form, who takes the opportunity to use a Ki Blast to blast Vegeta's tail, thus transforming him back into the defeated Super Baby Vegeta. In the Spanish dub and the original Japanese version, Baby notices that the transformation of Vegeta's shell into the Golden Great Ape caused a change in Baby, as in his adult form, Baby would not have been able to stay in Vegeta's body. He was back to his normal size. 📏

In a last resort survival effort, Baby leaves Vegeta's body and attempts to escape the planet Tsuful via his spaceship. Much to his shock, Baby's last vision is of Goku firing a 10x Kamehameha at his ship, sending it hurtling into the Sun and killing the evil parasite Tsuful for good. After Baby's death, the sacred water from the gazebo is used to heal all of the villain's victims. Although Baby did not appear in Super Saga #17 alongside the other villains, he was likely sent to Hell after meeting King Enma. 🛫



Dragon Ball GT

When Baby first appeared in his infant form, he seemed so powerful that his scream brought Goku, Trunks, and Pan back. Furthermore, Doctor Myuu believed that Baby could defeat the three warriors in the blink of an eye, while knowing that Goku was strong enough to stand up to General Rilldo and surpass him. Upon arriving on Earth, he faced, in his adolescent form, Super Saiyan Goten . 👊🏻

Goku notes that Baby Vegeta in his Super Saiyan form is on par with Goku in his Super Saiyan 3 form (who cannot use the form's true power without his tail). After receiving energy from Gohan, Goten, and Trunks and transforming into his first strongest form, Goku will note that he has never felt ki as incredible as Baby's and Baby will respond as he had obtained the greatest Saiyan power.

In his second form, Baby Vegeta is able to defeat Majuub using all of his power, however, he is still defeated, although he is not as bad as before. Then after Goku gets his tail back he thinks his power has skyrocketed and he is strong enough to defeat Baby Super Saiyan 2. However, Baby thinks his power hasn't changed at all and although Goku cannot hold out, Baby will prove that he was not damaged by his assault. 😫

While he is in his strongest form 2 at this precise moment, in the initial phase of their fight, Baby Vegeta is able to stand up to Goku Super Saiyan 4 and even manages to injure him. Although he is overall overwhelmed during the fight, he then uses a powerful technique to get revenge, which Goku takes head-on without suffering much damage.

Baby Vegeta in DBGT Oozaru

As a Golden Great Ape , he has power similar to that of Goku's SSJ4 form. According to Gohan, he is slightly stronger. During the final fight, with his powers restored and then amplified by Blitz waves (in the Japanese dub, he only has his full power restored, not increased), he vastly outperforms Super Saiyan 4 Goku (although he falls short energy and injured from fighting Baby for a while just before), and therefore must be fought using psychological tactics, rather than via brute force. ✊🏻

His uncharged Super Garrick Cannon is capable of doing enough damage to the Earth's surface to be visible from the planet Tsuful, and Old Kai fears that one of his charged attacks could outright destroy the entire planet. Additionally, the expulsion of his aura caused the energy level of much of his city to rise; and even its screams can cause considerable damage. However, once Goku has been fully charged by the combined energy of Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Pan, Baby fights again, but when Goku absorbs his Vengeance Death Bullet, he finds himself completely overwhelmed. 😥

At the beginning of the Baby Saga , Trunks will state that Baby has not yet reached his perfect adult form, which implicitly means that his adult form is stronger than Goku Super Saiyan 3. However, after reaching it, he has was easily eliminated by Goku Super Saiyan 4.


Baby Vegeta Video Games

According to the video game Dragon Ball Z: Scouter Battle Taikan Kamehameha , the power level observed via the Super Baby Vegeta 2 character's Scouter is 1,300,000,000 and that of Baby Oozaru is 1,580,000,000. When he fights again during a special mission, his power level is 1,559,936,524 as Super Baby 2 and 1,895,922,852 as the Great Ape Oozaru. 🙊

In Dragon Ball Fusions , Baby manages to get Hildegarn as a host while in a space-time rift. He faces Tekka's team, including his old adversary Pan, as well as Goku as a child ( after the King Piccolo saga), Trunks and Goten as children (Dragon Ball Super) . Hildegarn is the ideal host for adult Baby due to her size and immense power. They manage to defeat Baby Hirudegarn, forcing Baby to flee its newly acquired host. 💨

Super Baby Vegeta

In Xenoverse 2 , Super Baby 2 fights Super Saiyan Blue Goku in a fragmented timeline. Baby considers Goku's new form to be flashy and useless in the face of his power, but this is implicitly due to Baby's arrogance, who is unaware of divine ki and cannot sense the form's ki Goku's SSJ Blue, implying that the form has no real power. However, in another setting, Baby infects Pan with his henchmen who provide him with enough power to defeat Super Saiyan 4 Goku, forcing the Time Patrol to intervene. 🚔

Then, Baby is healed by his slaves who force the Time Patrol to defeat the already infected Pan and Trunks and wait until they run out of health as Baby's healing drains their health. Meanwhile, Baby reveals that he has completed the Blitz Wave Generator allowing him to transform into Baby Oozaru. Although his slaves have been restored to health, they are defeated by the Time Patrol. In another timeline, while collecting crystal balls, he encounters the Shadow Dragons Omega Shenron, Li Shenron and Nova Shenron whom he defeats with the help of the Time Patrol. 👊🏻

GT Golden Oozaru Figure


Baby Vegeta Techniques

  • Body Manipulation - An ability that allows Baby to freely manipulate his own body structure.
  • Liquefaction – The ability to liquefy metal and other solid objects.
  • Possession - The technique involves forcibly taking over the body of another, thereby gaining their power and abilities.
  • Drawing - A type of energy absorption based on the magic used by Baby in Dragon Ball Heroes and World Mission where the user draws an infinity symbol multiple times to create a spherical cage of energy around the opponent, then using a corresponding smaller energy sphere in his left hand to absorb the enemy's health to restore the user's or teammates' health.
  • Tsufulization - The special ability to completely transform the host into a Tsuful hybrid.
  • Final Flash - Baby pulls both hands back while gathering his ki. Then, he forms a sphere of energy that emits spherical bolts of yellow ki that shoot out in all directions. Finally, he discharges a massive golden beam of energy with electric ki flowing around it towards his opponent. In the Japanese dub, when performing the Final Flash, he declares "Big Bang Attack" while initiating the explosion. In the Funimation dub, this was changed to calling it "Final Flash".


Baby Anecdotes

    • His first name comes from Dr. Myuu , who calls his creation his "baby". Additionally, Baby began life as an artificial baby, the same way Cella began life as an artificial stem cell. 🧬
    • It is unknown if Baby in the form of the Great Golden Ape can communicate telepathically but cannot speak, the mystery still remains. Even more curiously, in the Budokai Tenkaichi series, Baby Oozaru appears to be able to speak. 🙊
    • At the very end of the credits of Dragon Ball GT: One Hundred Years Later , with all the main heroes present, strangely Baby is the only DBGT villain seen, flying alongside Piccolo, Dende and Uub. 🛫
    • After Baby takes control of Vegeta's body, if one listens closely , Baby's voice seems to possess a reverberating nature about itself. 📢
    • A reference to Baby Vegeta is suggested in Dragon Ball Super with the appearance of Duplicate Vegeta. Additionally, such an enemy steals Vegeta's strength, has vertical lines on his face, and tries to take control of more people.
    • When Baby possesses Vegeta for the very first time, his voice does not change. But as Super Baby, his voice becomes slightly deeper and gains a rather mechanical effect. However, in the Budokai Tenkaichi series, Baby Vegeta's voice does not have a vocal effect. 🎵


Baby Vegeta Saga DBGT

And there you have it, this ultimate guide bringing together all the information on the story of Baby and Baby Vegeta in Dragon Ball, DBZ and DBGT is now finished. We hope that thanks to this, you were able to learn more about this original and atypical super-villain!

If this is the case, don't hesitate to tell us young Saiyan. You can now find all of your favorite Dragon Ball GT goodies and derivative products on Goku Shop, so don't hesitate to browse our varied catalog! ✊🏻

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